The name of the boat come from the famous Greek Woman Melina Merkouri, a politician really loved by the Greek people.
Completely restored, changing the indoor lounge making it more comfortable and bigger to accommodate better the passengers.
- Χρονολογία: 1994
- Μήκος: 12.68μ
- Δέσμη: 4.16μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 11Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 100hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 80ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
The name of the boat come from the famous Greek Woman Melina Merkouri, a politician really loved by the Greek people.
Completely restored, changing the indoor lounge making it more comfortable and bigger to accommodate better the passengers.
- Χρονολογία: 1994
- Μήκος: 12.68μ
- Δέσμη: 4.16μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 11Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 100hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 80ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
The vessel has been dedicated to the leader businessman with roots from Santorini. Georgios Nomikos contributed the Factory Development in Santorini, mainly through the production of tomato paste.
Georgios Nomikos has been one of the first boat that union bought. Completely restored, changing the indoor lounge making it more comfortable and bigger to accommodate better the passengers.
- Χρονολογία: 1994
- Μήκος: 12.68μ
- Δέσμη: 4.16μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 11Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 120hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 80ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
The vessel has been dedicated to the leader businessman with roots from Santorini. Georgios Nomikos contributed the Factory Development in Santorini, mainly through the production of tomato paste.
Georgios Nomikos has been one of the first boat that union bought. Completely restored, changing the indoor lounge making it more comfortable and bigger to accommodate better the passengers.
- Χρονολογία: 1994
- Μήκος: 12.68μ
- Δέσμη: 4.16μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 11Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 120hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 80ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Αγ. Γεράσιμος
The vessel has been dedicated to the Union’s president, Gerasimos Kanakaris. Completely restored, changing the indoor lounge making it more comfortable and bigger to accommodate better the passengers.
- Μήκος: 1994
- Μήκος: 12.68μ
- Δέσμη: 4.16μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 11Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 145hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 80pax
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Αγ. Γεράσιμος
The vessel has been dedicated to the Union’s president, Gerasimos Kanakaris. Completely restored, changing the indoor lounge making it more comfortable and bigger to accommodate better the passengers.
- Μήκος: 1994
- Μήκος: 12.68μ
- Δέσμη: 4.16μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 11Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 145hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 80pax
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Αγ. Εφραίμ
The name of the vessel is dedicated to Efraim, a Syriac deacon and a prolific Syriac-language hymnographer and theologian of the 4th century from the region of Syria. His works are hailed by Christians throughout the world, and many denominations venerate him as a saint.
He has been declared a Doctor of the Church in Roman Catholicism. He is especially beloved in the Syriac Orthodox Church. The boat has been bought on 1996 and it has been changed several times to be upgraded at a higher comfort level.
- Χρονολογία: 1994
- Μήκος: 12.68μ
- Δέσμη: 4.16μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 11Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 120hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 80pax
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Αγ. Εφραίμ
The name of the vessel is dedicated to Efraim, a Syriac deacon and a prolific Syriac-language hymnographer and theologian of the 4th century from the region of Syria. His works are hailed by Christians throughout the world, and many denominations venerate him as a saint.
He has been declared a Doctor of the Church in Roman Catholicism. He is especially beloved in the Syriac Orthodox Church. The boat has been bought on 1996 and it has been changed several times to be upgraded at a higher comfort level.
- Χρονολογία: 1994
- Μήκος: 12.68μ
- Δέσμη: 4.16μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 11Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 120hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 80pax
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Γεώργιος Ρ.
This vessel is dedicated to one of our captains of the past that unfortunately died prematurely, Georgios Renieris.
The vessel has been bought from USA in 1995 making a lot of transformations during this years, as new engines 330hp each one, new generator, completely new and handmade in our shipyard indoor lounge and of course new electronics and technologies in the captain bridge. It has a maximum speed of 17 knots and the capacity of 88 people, 2 decks and 1 cabin. We installed new airplane armchairs and new seats on the upper deck outdoor.
- Χρονολογία: 1995
- Μήκος: 14.94μ
- Δέσμη: 4.05μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 17Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 360hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 88pax
- Κατασκευή: ΗΠΑ
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Γεώργιος Ρ.
This vessel is dedicated to one of our captains of the past that unfortunately died prematurely, Georgios Renieris.
The vessel has been bought from USA in 1995 making a lot of transformations during this years, as new engines 330hp each one, new generator, completely new and handmade in our shipyard indoor lounge and of course new electronics and technologies in the captain bridge. It has a maximum speed of 17 knots and the capacity of 88 people, 2 decks and 1 cabin. We installed new airplane armchairs and new seats on the upper deck outdoor.
- Χρονολογία: 1995
- Μήκος: 14.94μ
- Δέσμη: 4.05μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 17Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 360hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 88pax
- Κατασκευή: ΗΠΑ
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Name Porfiros in Greek means a purple stone. This vessel bought in 1995 from USA. After a whole restoration including new engines, generator, bridge and instruments, new armchairs for the indoor lounge and airplane seats for the outdoor upper deck.
It is suitable for excursions to the famous beaches around Santorini and VIP transfers. It is now used also for cruise ships services, passenger transportation and for short private excursions.
- Χρονολογία: 1995
- Μήκος: 14.94μ
- Δέσμη: 4.05μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 17Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 360hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 88ατ.
- Κατασκευή: ΗΠΑ
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Name Porfiros in Greek means a purple stone. This vessel bought in 1995 from USA. After a whole restoration including new engines, generator, bridge and instruments, new armchairs for the indoor lounge and airplane seats for the outdoor upper deck.
It is suitable for excursions to the famous beaches around Santorini and VIP transfers. It is now used also for cruise ships services, passenger transportation and for short private excursions.
- Χρονολογία: 1995
- Μήκος: 14.94μ
- Δέσμη: 4.05μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 17Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 360hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 88ατ.
- Κατασκευή: ΗΠΑ
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
The name came out from the Greek mythology and especially from the ancient Greek word “Atlantis” that means “the island of Atlas”. The vessel has been bought from USA in 1995.
- Χρονολογία: 1995
- Μήκος: 14.94μ
- Δέσμη: 4.05μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 17Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 330hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 88ατ.
- Κατασκευή: ΗΠΑ
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
The name came out from the Greek mythology and especially from the ancient Greek word “Atlantis” that means “the island of Atlas”. The vessel has been bought from USA in 1995.
- Χρονολογία: 1995
- Μήκος: 14.94μ
- Δέσμη: 4.05μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 17Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 330hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 88ατ.
- Κατασκευή: ΗΠΑ
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
This is a really beloved boat from all the boatmen of the union, the name came from the president’s sister name, Elsa. This vessel bought in 2005 and immediately extremely changed hull, deck, and the bridge.
The boat has a whole length indoor lounge that accommodates 64 passengers in comfortable cruising armchairs. Installed new engines, 360 hp each one that permit to this aerodynamic and light boat to reach high speeds over 23 knots.
- Χρονολογία: 2004
- Μήκος: 13.41μ
- Δέσμη: 4.00μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 22Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 360hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 64pax
- Κατασκευή: Άγιος Μαρίνος
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
This is a really beloved boat from all the boatmen of the union, the name came from the president’s sister name, Elsa. This vessel bought in 2005 and immediately extremely changed hull, deck, and the bridge.
The boat has a whole length indoor lounge that accommodates 64 passengers in comfortable cruising armchairs. Installed new engines, 360 hp each one that permit to this aerodynamic and light boat to reach high speeds over 23 knots.
- Χρονολογία: 2004
- Μήκος: 13.41μ
- Δέσμη: 4.00μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 22Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 360hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 64pax
- Κατασκευή: Άγιος Μαρίνος
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Μυτιληναίος Χ.
The initial name came from the Greek word Taxiarchis that in Greek Orthodoxy it’s referred to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel that are called the Taxiarchis, because they lead the heavenly host. It has been for several years the vessel of the beloved captain Chrisostomos Mitilineos who died prematurely at the age of 39 years old the 18th of April 2015.
The vessel changed name as Mytilianaios X. The vessel has been built in USA in 2000 but in 2014 extremely changed redesigning completely the general lines of the boat, building a lounge indoor provided with air-condition, engines service, new sound system, few changes at the hull for a better cruising and new instruments at the captain’s bridge.
- Χρονολογία: 2014 (ανακατασκευή)
- Μήκος: 17.2μ
- Δέσμη: 4.05μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 24Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 500hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 100ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Άγιος Μαρίνος
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Μυτιληναίος Χ.
The initial name came from the Greek word Taxiarchis that in Greek Orthodoxy it’s referred to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel that are called the Taxiarchis, because they lead the heavenly host. It has been for several years the vessel of the beloved captain Chrisostomos Mitilineos who died prematurely at the age of 39 years old the 18th of April 2015.
The vessel changed name as Mytilianaios X. The vessel has been built in USA in 2000 but in 2014 extremely changed redesigning completely the general lines of the boat, building a lounge indoor provided with air-condition, engines service, new sound system, few changes at the hull for a better cruising and new instruments at the captain’s bridge.
- Χρονολογία: 2014 (ανακατασκευή)
- Μήκος: 17.2μ
- Δέσμη: 4.05μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 24Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 500hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 100ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Άγιος Μαρίνος
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Αγ. Νεκτάριος
- Χρονολογία: 2019
- Μήκος: 17.90μ
- Δέσμη: 5.30μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 20Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 444hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 100ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Αγ. Νεκτάριος
Αγ. Νεκτάριος
- Χρονολογία: 2019
- Μήκος: 17.90μ
- Δέσμη: 5.30μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 20Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 444hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 100ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Αγ. Μηνάς
Αγ. Μηνάς
- Χρονολογία: 2022
- Μήκος: 17.90μ
- Δέσμη: 5.30μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 20Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 444hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 100ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας
Αγ. Μηνάς
Αγ. Μηνάς
- Χρονολογία: 2022
- Μήκος: 17.90μ
- Δέσμη: 5.30μ
- Μεγ. Ταχύτητα: 20Knots
- Μηχανές: 2 x 444hp
- Χωρητικότητα: 100ατ.
- Κατασκευή: Ελλάδα
- Υλικό: Υαλοβάμβακας